A new addition to The Dugout is a 1930's Chester Pilsner beer tray. I bought it from a guy who was renovating a building in Philadelphia in the 1970's. This tray was made by American Art Works
Coshocton, OH. In mint condition these trays have a book value of around $275.
The old Chester Brewery was located at 2nd and Palmer Streets in Chester, PA. Like many local breweries, they went out of business in 1953.
Besides Chester Pilsner, the brewery produced Silver Dime Beer. Today a metal warehouse sits on the former site of the brewery.
Those who lived near the brewery could walk up and with a bucket and have it filled for a nickel.
The former site now is in the vicinity of the new PPL Park, home of the MLS Philadelphia Union. A parking lot for PPL Park sits directly across the street from old brewery site.
This find is a crown jewel for my bar. No so much because of the book value but because I went to church and parochial school a few blocks from the old brewery. A hoagie roll bakery was also on the same block called D's. Sitting in school on some day watching the Commodore Barry Bridge being constructed you could smell the hoagie rolls being baked on some days. My mom used to send me in before big parties to buy bags of rolls. The bakery was not a store. You literally walked into a small foyer with flour covered old wooden floors. You would flag a person working near the ovens. He or she would come over. You'd ask for how many you wanted. They would pull he rolls right off racks and fill put them in large brown paper shopping bags. No cash register. No cashier. You just handed an assembly line worker your cash. Now I wonder if any of my mom's cash ever made it to the owner of the bakery?
In addition to the Chester Pilsner Beer tray I also have displayed in The Dugout a Chester Brewery wooden beer crate, a Pilsner quart bottle and a Silver Dime Beer coaster.